First day of Oluf's CES 2007 visit

Første dag af Olufs besøg ved CES messen 2007

Waiting in line for a taxi.

Waiting in line for a cab.

Setting up in front of the Central Hall.

Forklifts and crates in front of the Central Hall.

Looking from the Central Hall to the outside tents.

Microsoft's ad for Windows Vista: ?The Wow starts now.?

View from the Central Hall towards the Microsoft Press Tent.

The HP booth still in chaos on Saturday afternoon.

Preparing the HP booth on Saturday.

The HP TouchSmart PC in the booth kitchen.

The tables with extra HP TouchSmart PCs. Yvonne Tse looking at the camera.

Sony putting up a billboard.

A look between the tents on Saturday night.

Microsoft's outside tent.

A look towards the Hilton hotel and the NextGen home.

Sony's billboard finishing up.

Sony putting up a billboard (with window reflection).

Made with JAlbum 6.5
Skin: LotsaThumbs by Oluf Nissen (based on Formal by FriskySoul)